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How to Dress 80s Fashion for Women in 2023 (Complete Guide)

If you want to recreate the iconic looks of the 80s fashion for women and channel your inner 80s diva, you’ve come to the right place.

This article will examine the most popular women’s styles that defined the 80s decade.

From the most popular silhouettes, styles, and colors to the best accessories, we’ll take you through everything you need to dress like an 80s kid, teenager, or high-society woman.

Equally, if you’re getting ready for an 80s-themed party or want to add some vintage flair to your wardrobe, this 80s fashion guide for women will show you how to master the decade’s bold and playful looks.

How Do I Make My 80s Look?

Whether you want to dress like the 80s with normal clothes or you want to attend an 80s party, dressing (or recreating) 80s fashion is not difficult.

Here are four essential tips to help you create your 80s look for a party or just a personal wardrobe change.

1. Choose a Silhouette That Represents the 80s

80 fashion silhouette for women
Power dressing and Rocker Chic were the most popular silhouettes of the 80s fashion for women. –

If you want to be accurate with your 80s style, choose an 80s silhouette that represents the decade the most.

Some of women’s most popular 80s styles were Power Dressing, the Rocker Chick look, and the Feminine style.

– Power Dressing comprised tailored blazers with oversized shoulder pads and high-waisted skirts or trousers.

– The Rocker Chick was characterized by biker jackets or ripped denim jackets, band t-shirts, acid-washed jeans, and studded leather chain accessories.

– The 80s Feminine style was characterized by ruffled blouses, bows, and short skirts in sensual colors.

2. Choose the Colors According to the Silhouette

80s Fashion Colors for Women
From Ralph Lauren’s 80s preppy style to Esprit’s 80s sportswear, colors were a defining characteristic of 80s fashion for women. –

Each dressing style described above had stylistic variations (rock punk – feminine – preppy) and color choices.

From black and dark browns for power suits and punk rock style to bright greens and yellow for preppy to bubble gum neon pink for feminine style, there are plenty of options to mix and match.

3. Accessorize

80s Fashion Accessories for Women
From Doc Martens boots to Chanel jewelry, the 80s women had a maximalist approach to accessories, no matter the style. –

Accessories were an essential part of 80s fashion looks for women.

Chunky jewelry, big earrings, statement necklaces, and oversized sunglasses were popular among all 80s fashion styles for women described above.

Also, match your shoes with the overall style.

Choose black shoes for power suits, colorful sneakers for athletic clothes, and cute sandals for preppy clothes in pastel colors.

1. For the 80s Party, Consider the Event’s Theme

80 fashion theme party outfits for women
From 80s rocker style to 80s aerobic leggings, the 80s decade has the most variety in theme parties. –

Most popular 80s parties revolve around shows like “Back to the Future” or “Miami Vice,” so try to align your outfit with the theme and complete it with relevant accessories.

80s Fashion for Women

The fashion for ladies and upper-class women in the 80s was influenced by the power-dressing trend – a way for women to assert workplace dominance.

The power-dressing look of the 80s was all about looking sophisticated, achievement-driven, professional, and in charge.

power dressing in 80s fashion for women
Power dressing evolved from Le Smoking suits of the 60s, Yves Saint Laurent’s most iconic design, and became one of the most popular fashion trends for women in the 80s. In particular, the TV star Joan Collins and Britain’s prime minister Margaret Thatcher were big proponents of the style. –

The 80s “power dressing” style comprised tailored blazers with oversized shoulder pads and high-waisted skirts or trousers to create a strong, masculine silhouette.

Another popular look for the 80s upper-class ladies was the “feminine” dressing style.

Characterized by ruffled blouses, bows, and short skirts in sensual colors, the 80s feminine look was about embracing femininity and showcasing a playful, almost flirty look.

80s Fashion for Teenage Girls

Inspired by the pop and rock music scene, the 80s teenage girls tried to emulate their favorite singers and bands.

Inspired by Madonna’s MTV clips, many teenage girls wore scrunchies, leg warmers, and fishnet tights, accessorized with statement jewelry and oversized sunglasses.

Another popular look for 80s young girls was the “rocker chick” style of ripped denim, band t-shirts, leather jackets, and even baseball caps.

80s Fashion for Teenage girls
Teenage girls of the 80s mostly followed the fashion style of their favorite music stars, such as Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox. –

The 80s rocker chick was about showcasing a rebellious attitude and a way for girls to assert their individuality.

The “preppy” style, or 80s preppy fashion, characterized by colored sweaters, collared shirts, and khaki pants (or skirts), was another popular look for young girls in the 1980s.

The preppy look was about creating a well-put-together and polished look to show a more feminine side.

80s Fashion for Kids and Young Girls

The most popular 80s look for kids revolved around relaxed wear in bright neon colors and bold but playful designs.

Bold colors were popular in the times’ movies and television shows for kids, such as Pretty in Pink, Rainbow Brite, Jem and the Holograms, and Care Bears, to name a few.

80 Fashion for Kids
80s fashion for kids was hugely influenced by TV stars like Molly Ringwald and TV shows like Jem and the Holograms. –

Style-wise, the 80s was a decade of “sporty” looks for young girls, characterized by athletic wear, tracksuits, sneakers, tutus, leggings, and t-shirts.

The 80s kids and young girls were great at mixing and matching different styles and trends, such as punk, new wave, hip-hop, and goth, creating unique looks.


In conclusion, the 80s fashion trends for women included a beautiful mixture of freedom and rebellious fashion choices, statement clothing, and standing out.

The 80s decade was characterized by Power Dressing styles in masculine cuts and oversized shoulders.

Rocker Chick looks were defined by distressed jeans and biker jackets and feminine styles with short skirts and bright neon hues.

Moreover, all 80s fashion styles for women were heavily accessorized with chunky jewelry, oversized sunglasses, scrunchies, leg warmers in bright colors, fishnet tights, studs, and chains.

And, while you should feel free to mix and match patterns, colors, and accessories, remember to use this 80s fashion guide for women as a critical stylistic reference.

With the right attitude and a little bit of inspiration, you can become an 80s fashion icon in no time!

And remember to share your 80s fashion looks with us on social media; we can’t wait to see your 80s fashion outfits.

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Now it’s your turn…

Which one of these women’s 80s fashion looks is your favorite and why?

Which 80s fashion style for women do you think we’ve missed and should include in our next article update?

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After years of managing hundreds of fashion brands from London’s office of a global retailer, Mandy has ventured into freelancing. Connected with several fashion retailers and media platforms in the US, Australia, and the UK, Mandy uses her expertise to consult for emerging fashion brands create top-notch content as an editorial strategist for several online publications.

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