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Supporting Women & Donating to Every Mother Counts

Supporting Women & Donating to Every Mother Counts

The organization we picked to donate 1% of sales to in Q1 of 2021 was Every Mother Counts.

Becoming a mother myself this year, this organization was especially near and dear to my heart. 

Every Mother Counts works to make pregnancy and child birth a safer and more joyful experience across the globe. 

“Almost all global maternal deaths can be prevented by ensuring that women have access to quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care” estimated by the WHO.

Some of the issues we are still seeing across the globe are:

  • Disrespectful treatment
  • Discrimination
  • Harmful practices
  • Shortages of healthcare providers

Every Mother Counts helps to reduce these issues by raising awareness across communities and helping those communicates take action to stimulate change. Read more about how Every Mother Counts helps to take action here.  

Thanks for checking out more about our Q1 organization! Follow us on Instagram (@retortlingerie) to vote on upcoming organizations we will give back to. 

With love,

Retort Owner, Danielle


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