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Best Face Washes For Every Type Of Skin

A right face wash can make your skin look absolutely gorgeous, flawless and naturally glowing. In today’s market, there are a lot of products that contain toxic chemicals and parabens which can cause skin damage and other skin issues. Taking care of your skin these days is really a big task! Pollution and other various factors can make your skin acne-prone, dull, and damaged. But not any more ladies! With this guide, you can say bye-bye to dull and damaged skin and welcome glowing and healthy skin.

How to choose a face wash?

Consider the following before choosing a face wash! 

1. Make sure it suits your skin:

The first and foremost thing to remember: An ideal face wash should suit your skin well. It should not be heavy or oil-based.

2. The face wash should deeply cleanse instead of over-cleanse:

The next thing to remember is that a face wash should deeply cleanse but not over-cleanse. Over cleansing leads to stripping off your face’s natural moisture and oils and disturbs the skin’s natural pH balance. This leads to several other skin issues. 

3. Does not cause any irritation:

Make sure to buy a face wash that contains natural ingredients. Remember to use a face wash that does not have any kind of toxic chemicals and rough exfoliating ingredients in it. Such ingredients can cause skin irritation and rashes.

4. Gives you a refreshing feel:

What is the whole point of a face wash if it doesn’t give you any perfect clean feel & look? Even though your face wash needs to be gentle on your skin, it should definitely give you a refreshing and clean feel.

5. Know your skin type:

Knowing your skin type is very important. This is because not all face washes to suit every skin type. Knowing your skin type will make it easy for you to choose skincare products according to your skin type and give you the best results in the end.

Generally, skin types are broadly classified as:

  1. Normal Skin
  2. Oily Skin
  3. Dry Skin
  4. Sensitive Skin
  5. Combination skin

How to choose the right face wash for every skin type:

It’s very important to choose face wash according to your skin type. 

1. Face wash for dry skin:

If you have dry skin, your face wash should be a gentle cleanser with moisturising properties. This will not only clean the skin but also leave a thin film of moisture on the skin. It’s really important to avoid antibacterial soaps and cleansers with exfoliators because these things can make your skin more dry and rough.

2. Face wash for oily skin:

I know the struggle of people who have oily skin! Girls remember that the ideal face wash for oily skin should definitely contain natural ingredients like aloe vera and tea tree oil. These mild and gentle ingredients balance the oil production and make the skin even-toned. 

3. Face wash for sensitive or combination skin:

People who have this skin type (sensitive skin and combination skin) benefit from an ultra-gentle cleanser. You can go with a face wash that is completely hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, paraben and sulphate-free, that won’t cause irritation to the skin.

To all my beautiful women out there make sure to keep these points in mind before buying a face wash. And if you’re looking for products that have natural ingredients we have it all. Check the amazing Botaniqa collection and pamper your skin. 

Aparna Pal

Aparna Pal

A curious girl filled with emotions & passion, Aparna holds a master’s degree in computer application, but words & stories fascinate her more than codes. She is a keen learner & a great admirer of art & culture. Sketching is her get away from daily hustle & bustle.

Aparna Pal

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